The Harris County Board of Commissioners adopted the FY 2022-23 annual budget on June 21, 2022 after four public budget work sessions, two public hearings, and much thoughtful deliberations. To adequately fund the approved budget of $68.3M, sufficiently fund upcoming capital projects, prepare for future growth, and provide some tax relief for property tax payers, the Board of Commissioners is proposing to reduce the county’s millage rate from 9.38 mills to 9.13 mills, a reduction of 0.25 mills. This property tax rate would increase property taxes by 2.93% above the roll back rate of 8.87 mills. The portion of the city of West Point that is located within Harris County will also see a millage rate reduction from 5.628 to 5.478, a reduction of 0.15 mills. This property tax rate would increase property taxes by 2.35% above their roll back rate of 5.352.
As an example, the financial impact of this proposed property tax increase on a $250,000 home will be approximately an additional $26 in county property taxes.
To view the county’s approved FY 2022-23 budget, FY 2022-23 Program of Work, or property tax millage rate documents (Notice or Property Tax Increase, Five Year History of Levy, Computation Forms, Millage Rate History Graph, and other information), click on the links below.
Since the Board of Commissioners is proposing a property tax increase that is above the roll back rates, state law requires the county to conduct three public hearings to obtain citizen comments.
Therefore, all concerned property owners and citizens are encouraged to attend and participate in the three public hearings to be conducted on:
- Tuesday, August 2, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, August 16, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
All public hearings will be conducted in Room 223 of the Harris County Courthouse, 102 N. College Street, Hamilton, GA.
For questions or concerns about the 2022 property tax millage rate, please contact the Administration Office at 706-628-4958, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.