Current Harris County TSPLOST
The regional voters within the 16 county River Valley Regional Commission (RVRC) area approved to continue the 1% Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (TSPLOST) an additional ten years beginning January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2032.
TSPLOST funds were voted to be used for transportation purposes such as paving and resurfacing roads, repairing bridges, paving trails, improving intersections and adding turn lanes.
Harris County receives about $117,000 per month in TSPLOST collections for local transportation projects. The county also has four specific transportation projects included in the upcoming TSPLOST. Those four projects are:
- SR 315/SR 219/Goat Rock Road intersection improvements – $4,000,000 (2023-25).
- SR 315 improvements from Hart Drive to Hamilton Mulberry Grove Road – $7,000,000 (2023-25).
- Continuation of the Man O’ War Rail Road Recreation Trail – $5,000,000 (2027-29).
- U.S. 27 Alternate/Central Church Road intersection improvements – $800,000 (2023-25).