Tuesday, November 30, 2021 @ 4:00 p.m.
Callaway Country Store,17800 U.S. 27, Pine Mountain, Georgia
The Harris County Board of Commissioners proudly announces the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Man O’ War Railroad Recreation Trail-Phase IV to be held on Tuesday, November 30, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. at the Callaway Country Store, 17800 U.S. 27 in Pine Mountain. The 1.55 mile paved trail addition from the Mountain Creek Inn to the Callaway Country Store and the restoration of the railroad bridge over U.S. 27 will be attractive amenities to the Harris County community that will allow residents and visitors to enjoy non-motorized activities such as walking, jogging, running, and bicycling. The entire paved trail from downtown Pine Mountain has features including informational trail head kiosks, park benches, trash cans, and a distance marker system. Phases I through III, consisting of 3.1 miles, were completed during 2019 and 2020 for approximately $1M and funded by a federal Transportation Enhancement grant, Land & Water Conservation Fund grant, Recreational Trails Program grant, and county SPLOST funds. Phase IV added 1.55 additional miles to the trail for a total of 4.65 miles for a cost of $1.2M funded by TSPLOST funds. Phase V from the Callaway Country Store to Hamilton is being designed, will add an additional 5.4 miles to the trail for a total of 10 miles, and is scheduled to be completed by late 2022.
Schedule of Events
• Welcome and Remarks by Harris County Board of Commissioners Chairman, Andrew Zuerner
• Remarks by the Harris County Chamber of Commerce Chairman, Kimberly McElveen
• Ceremonial Ribbon Cutting and Photograph
• Concluding Remarks by Chairman Zuerner
• Light refreshments will be served immediately following the ceremony
Man O’ War Railroad Recreation Trail Ribbon Cutting Ceremony (pdf)