Harris County is seeking proposals for one (1) non-illuminated double-faced sign at the Northwest Harris Business Park to be located at the Davidson Road entrance in West Point, Georgia. Sign will be 88″H x 144″W x 24″D, with ten (10) panels on each side, with six (6) bearing the names of companies located in the business park and four (4) left blank for future use. Details of the sign are set out in a rendering and a photograph of an existing sign will be provided for reference purposes. The names of the companies to appear on each side of the sign are to be centered in the panels in the order and manner provided in the RFP. Project completion within 90 days of construction drawing approval. RFP specifications/instructions may be obtained by contacting Nancy McMichael, County Clerk, via e-mail at nmcmichael@harriscountyga.gov with subject line of NWHBP Sign 2019. RFP documents obtained through any other source will not be considered official RFP documents. Proposal must be in a sealed envelope, bear the notation “RFP: NWHBP SIGN 2019”, be to the attention of County Clerk, and be received by 2:15 PM, Thursday, February 14, 2019, at the office of the Harris County Commissioners, 104 North College Street, PO Box 365, Hamilton, GA 31811-0365, at which time only the names of the firms will be publicly read aloud. It is the responsibility of the proposer to assure that their proposal arrives by the date and time indicated. Note that some express mail and delivery services do not guarantee overnight delivery to Harris County.