Harris County is accepting bids for a project known as “Hamilton Business Park Water Oak Way Extension” for the grading, base and paving of approximately 960 linear feet of roadways and all corresponding stormwater management systems including storm drain pipes and a stormwater detention pond, as well as the furnishing of all labor, materials and equipment, consisting of final grading of roadway section, compacted subgrade, GAB, asphalt, curb inlets, GDOT Decel Lane, detention pond, temporary & permanent erosion control measures and maintenance of traffic. Bid documents, to include plans and specifications, may be obtained, at a cost of $50.00 per set, by contacting Maria Edge at medge@harris-gray.com or Harris Gray, LLC, 824 Third Avenue, West Point, GA 31833. Bids must be accompanied by a bid guarantee in the form of a bid bond, cashier’s or certified check, or cash, in an amount equal to five (5) percent of the total bid. Project is to be completed no later than June 30, 2018, and must conform to DOT specs. Note that if there are unreasonable delays or unauthorized suspensions of work for this project, Harris County reserves the right to charge the successful bidder $500 per day, as liquidated damages, until project is complete. A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held at 2:00 PM, Thursday, February 1, 2017, in the Conference Room of the Commissioners’ Office in Hamilton, during which time bidder must provide a list of qualifications and a history of work for the past 24 months. Bids, consisting of one original and two photocopies, must be received at the office of the Harris County Board of Commissioners, 104 North College Street, Post Office Box 365, Hamilton, Georgia 31811-0365, by 2:00 PM, Tuesday, February 13, 2017, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bid envelopes must be sealed and bear the notation “Hamilton Business Park WATER OAK WAY EXTENSION”. It is the responsibility of the bidder to ensure that their bid arrives at the proper location by the time indicated. Facsimile, e-mail, telephone or late bids will not be accepted or considered. The successful bidder must provide 100% Performance and Payment Bonds (which cannot be dated prior to the date the contract is signed) and a Certificate of Liability and Workers’ Compensation Insurance. Harris County reserves the right to waive any requirement and/or specification included herein, to reject any or all bids, waive technicalities, informalities, or any irregularities therein, and accept any bid presented that in its judgment best serves the interest of the County.