Harris County is accepting bids for a new replacement Vehicle Scale at its Transfer Station. A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference is scheduled for Friday, October 25, 2019, at 2:00 PM, at the Harris County Transfer Station Scale House located at 4080 Barnes Mill Road, Hamilton, GA. Bid documents must be obtained by contacting Nancy McMichael, County Clerk, via e-mail at nmcmichael@harriscountyga.gov using the subject heading of “Vehicle Scale”. Bid documents obtained through any other source will not be considered official bid documents. Bids, in a sealed envelope, must bear the notation “BID: VEHICLE SCALE”, must be mailed or delivered to the attention of the County Clerk at Harris County Commissioners, 104 North College Street, PO Box 365, Hamilton, GA 31811-0365, and must be received by 2:00 PM, Friday, November 8, 2019, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. It is the responsibility of the bidder to ensure that their bid arrives at the proper location by the time and date indicated. Facsimile, e-mail, telephone and/or late bids will not be accepted or considered.