Harris County is accepting bids for the construction of a new EMS and Volunteer Fire Station in West Point, GA. The building will be on approximately 3 acres of disturbed land in the Northwest Harris Business Park and will be approximately 8,500 sf, slab on grade, cmu with brick veneer and wood construction with a metal roof on wood trusses. Instructions to Bidders and Bid Documents may be obtained by emailing 2WR of Georgia, Alex Griggs, Project Manager at Alex@2WRarch.com. Correspondence shall be by email only, phone calls will not be returned. A MANDATORY Pre-Bid Conference will be held on Thursday July 21, 2022 at 2:30 p.m. at the Harris County County Manager’s Conference Room located at 104 N. College Street, Hamilton, GA. Bids will be received until 2:30 p.m. on August 4, 2022 at the same location.