The ribbon cutting ceremony for Rails to Trails Phase I was held on Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. in downtown Pine Mountain. Approximately 100 interested citizens attended the event. During the event, County Chairman Becky Langston gave remarks along with Pine Mountain Mayor Jim Trott and Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, Kim Tharpe. This 1.1 mile phase of the project began at the intersection of US 27/Chipley Street and extended to the intersection of US 27/SR 354. Phase I of the trail was funded by a federal Transportation Enhancement grant and county SPLOST funds. Phases II and III, which are currently under construction, will extend the 10 foot wide paved trail an additional 1.6 miles from the intersection of US 27/SR 354 to behind the Callaway Mountain Creek Inn. Phases II and III are funded by two other federal grants and county SPLOST funds and are scheduled to be completed by early March 2020. Another grant for Phase IV has been written and submitted to further extend the paved trail from behind the Mountain Creek Inn to the Callaway Country Store atop of Pine Mountain to link the trail to the Pine Mountain trail. That grant award will be known during March 2020.