Harris County is accepting bids for the repair of Ellerslie Park Lodge, which was damaged during a recent tornado, located in Ellerslie Park at 3280 Georgia Highway 85 in Ellerslie, GA. The project consists of repairs to the roof center section, garage, garage roof, east wing, east wing roof, deck, interior main room, and exterior, and contractor must provide all labor, tools, materials, equipment, etc., necessary to complete the project. Bid documents can be obtained by contacting Nancy McMichael, County Clerk, at nmcmichael@harriscountyga.gov with subject line “Ellerslie Lodge Repair”. Mandatory pre-bid conference on Tuesday, July 23, 2019, at 2:00 PM, on-site at Ellerslie Park. Bids, consisting of one (1) original and one (1) complete copy of all bid documents, shall be sealed and bear the notation “BID: ELLERSLIE LODGE REPAIR”, be addressed to the attention of the County Clerk, and be received at the office of the Harris County Commissioners, 104 North College Street, PO Box 365, Hamilton, GA 31811-0365 by 2:00 PM on Tuesday, August 6, 2019, at which time they will publicly opened and read aloud. It is the responsibility of the bidder to ensure that their bid arrives at the proper location by the time indicated. Facsimile, email, telephone or late bids will not be accepted or considered. Bids must be accompanied by a bid guarantee in the form of a bid bond, cashier’s or certified check, or cash, in an amount equal to five (5) percent of the total bid. Successful bidder will be required to submit Performance and Payment Bonds if bid is over $100,000, each in a amount equal to 100% of the contract price, along with a Certificate of Liability and Workers Compensation insurance. Project shall be completed within 60 days of issuance of NTP. Harris County reserves the right to reject any or all bids.