Harris County is requesting qualifications from professional and qualified companies certified in Georgia for architectural services that have substantial experience in site planning, space programming, designing, bidding, and providing construction administration services for general office buildings, in particular, a new office building for a governmental Water Works administration facility. The construction budget is $600,000. The RFQ documents may be downloaded from the County’s website at www.harriscountyga.gov under Bids/RFQs. Inquiry deadline is Thursday, October 1, 2020, at 5:00 PM, with any addendum issued Monday, October 5. Responses, consisting of one (1) original paper and four (4) paper copies of all originals, are due by 2:00 PM, Thursday, October 15, 2020, at which time only the names of the responders will be publicly read aloud. It is the responsibility of the responder to ensure that their response arrives at the proper location by the date and time indicated. Facsimile, email, telephone or late responses will not be accepted or considered. Harris County reserves the right to reject any or all responses.
Inquiries and questions concerning this RFQ shall be in writing via email using the subject line: “RFQ Water Works Building” and directed to:
Nancy McMichael, County Clerk, via e-mail at nmcmichael@harriscountyga.gov
All questions and answers will be combined into a formal written addendum to the RFQ and posted on the count’s website. All addendum bust be acknowledged by all proposing companies. Please check the county’s website often for other possible addendum. Inquiry deadline is Thursday Oct. 1, 2020 at 5:00 pm.
Further RFQ information, including timeline information, may be found in the following document:
RFQ water works admin (pdf)
Affidavit (pdf)
Posted 9/11/2020