During the June 15 commission meeting, the Board of County Commissioners approved the FY 2021-22 annual budget. The new budget begins July 1 and totals $50 million dollars. Some of the major projects and expenses include:
- Grant a 2% cost-of-living-allowance and 1% longevity allowance to county employees.
- Hire five new full-time positions including a building inspector for the Community Development Department, facility maintenance technician for the Facility Maintenance Department, construction inspector for the Public Works Department, park maintenance technician for the Recreation Department, and an administrative assistant for the Tax Assessor’s Office.
- Complete the impact fee feasibility study to potentially fund park and recreation improvements and public safety needs.
- Complete the land development code update to guide the county’s future growth.
- Purchase new and replacement vehicles for the Community Development Department, Public Works Department, Recreation Department, Vehicle Maintenance, Sheriff’s Office, and Solid Waste.
- Purchase a backhoe and skid steer for the Public Works Department.
- Purchase six replacement automated CPR devices for the EMS Department.
- Upgrade the telephone system at the Prison, Public Works, NRCS Office, Facilities Maintenance, Vehicle Maintenance, and Water Works.
- Replace the roof at the Prison.
- Further develop Ellerslie Park by installing entrance gates, signage, new pavilion, restrooms, storage building, trails, and dock among other items.
- Construct needed capital facilities using $3.4M in federal ARP funds.
- Complete Phase IV of the Man O’ War Railroad Recreation Trail by extending the trail an additional 1.5 miles to the Callaway Country Store using TSPLOST funds.
- Begin Phase V of the Man O’ War Railroad Recreation Trail by extending the trail an additional 5.4 miles from the Callaway Country Store to Hamilton using TSPLOST funds.
- Begin the renovation of the courthouse by replacing the roof and windows, repairing the balcony, front columns, and front canopies, and painting the exterior using SPLOST-2019 funds.
- Complete the renovation of the old library into a community medical clinic operated by Mercer Medicine using SPLOST-2019 funds.
- Prepare an airport runway extension justification study and other airport improvements using airport funds.
- Reconstruct the Cataula solid waste collection site to add additional capacity and replace the building at the transfer station using Solid Waste funds.
- Continue the design and construction of the Water Works Administration Building using Water Works funds.