Phase VI of the Man O’ War trail is now open. This phase begins just south of Hamilton across from the old Carver School on U.S. 27 and extends the trail an additional three miles to Mulberry Creek. This phase was completed by Robinson Paving at a cost of $1.14M and was paid from TSPLOST Funds. The Man O’ War Trail is now a total of 13.5 miles long beginning north at the Harris County/Meriwether County line in Pine Mountain and extends south to Mulberry Creek. The trail has mile markers along the way provided by the Chamber of Commerce. The trail also has five trailheads with parking (from north to south, Chipley, Downtown Pine Mountain, Hood, Callaway Country Store, Hamilton Square, and South Hamilton). Also, each trail head has an informational kiosk with an updated trail map showing mile markers, elevations, trail heads, restrooms, parking, and a host of other information. A ribbon cutting ceremony for Phase VI will be held during mid-September. The last eight miles of the trail from Mulberry Creek to the Columbus/Muscogee County line is scheduled to be completed during 2026/2027 and funded by TSPLOST funds when they become available.