Harris County is accepting qualifications from professional and qualified architectural firms certified in Georgia to provide planning, space programming, designing, bidding, and construction administration services to Harris County, Georgia, for a new 24/7 Emergency Medical Services / Volunteer Fire Department facility.
The RFQ specifications and instructions may be obtained by contacting Nancy McMichael, County Clerk, via email at nmcmichael@harriscountyga.gov with subject line “RFQ EMS Facility”, inquiry deadline is Thursday, November 11, 2021 at 5:00 PM, and addendum, if any, will be issued on Tuesday, November 16, 2021.
Responses, consisting of one original and four paper copies, shall be sealed, bear the notation “RFQ EMS Facility”, be addressed to the attention of County Clerk, and be received at the office of the Harris County Commissioners, 104 North College Street, PO Box 365, Hamilton, GA 31811-0365, by 2:00 PM local time on Friday, November 19, 2021, at which time only the names of the responding firms will be publicly read. It is the responsibility of the responder to ensure that their response arrives at the proper location by the date and time indicated. Facsimile, e-mail, telephone or late responses will not be accepted or considered.
Harris County reserves the right to reject any or all responses.