The county’s Water Works Department’s fee schedule is being updated to comply with a 2014 agreement between the county’s Public Improvements Authority and the Mulberry Grove Development Company. One-time sewer installation tap fees and monthly sewer usage fees are being added to the fee schedule in preparation of development at the Mulberry Grove Development on SR 315.
In addition to adding the sewer fees, the department will also be increasing their water installation tap fees. Installation of a ¾ inch water meter will increase from $1,000 to $1,300 and installation of a 1 inch water meter will increase from $1,250 to $1,550 effective March 1, 2020. The department is also initiating an installation fee of water meters over one inch to $750 per dwelling or commercial unit and an irrigation meter fee.
It should be noted that the monthly water usage fees will not be changing. Those monthly fees will remain the same.
For more information about the new fee schedule, click on the link below or call the Water Works Department at 706-324-1175.
March 1, 2020 Water Works Fee Schedule: