Our goal is to keep citizens informed of the actions of our county government

County to Pave and Resurface Roads

The Board of Commissioners approved installing a water line and paving 0.61 miles of Hardage Road from Lower Blue Springs Road to C.T. Walker Road. Robinson Paving from Columbus was the low bidder at $716,091.35 for the road paving and the county’s Water Works department will install the water line for a cost of about $60,000 for materials.

Community Center Pool is Now Open

The Community Center Pool is now open after several repairs. The Community Center is opened today (July 3) until 8:00 p.m., will be opened on Tuesday, July 4 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and on Wednesday, July 5 from 10:00 a.m.to 6:00 p.m. Normal hours will begin on Thursday, July 6.

Discard Old Prescription Drugs Safely

The Harris County Sheriff, in conjunction with the Council on Alcohol and Drugs, Inc., have established a medical drop box to accept outdated or unneeded pharmaceuticals in a safe manner. This drop box is located in the lobby of the Harris County Sheriff’s Office located at 9825 Georgia Highway 116 in Hamilton and is available 24/7/365.