Harris County is accepting bids for the resurfacing and/or repair and striping of four (4) roads, a total distance of 5.90 miles to include patching, leveling, resurfacing, traffic control and…
Harris County is accepting bids for the resurfacing and/or repair and striping of four (4) roads, a total distance of 5.90 miles to include patching, leveling, resurfacing, traffic control and…
Garbage will be collected on Monday, January 22, for both Monday and Friday. After they have collected all of Monday’s and Friday’s garbage they will go back to the houses…
UPDATE: Public meeting on 1/18/2018 was cancelled due to weather. The meeting will be rescheduled at a later date. Original posted 1/09/2018 @ 3:54 PM: All property owners, residents, and…
Jan 19, 2018
UPDATE. Originally posted on October 19, 2017.
Harris County is accepting bids for a project known as “Hamilton Business Park Water Oak Way Extension” for the grading, base and paving of approximately 960 linear feet of roadways…
During the first commission meeting of 2018, Harry Lange was selected to continue his role as Chairman of the County Commission and Susan Andrews was selected to serve as Vice-Chairman…
Various county services are affected by extreme cold weather including solid waste pick-ups and public works crews due to the use of state inmates that cannot be released from the…
A new 2018 Freightliner/Pierce fire truck has been delivered to the Hopewell Volunteer Fire Department. The new two-door, three-person fire truck has a 2,100-gallon poly tank, a 1,500-gallon per minute…
The new county library is under construction on SR 116 adjacent to the county’s community center in Hamilton. The new 15,000 square foot library will be three times as large as…
Harris County government welcomes new Parks & Recreation Director, Stephen Waskey. Mr. Waskey. has a Bachelor of Science in Sports Management degree from Georgia Southern University and over 13 years…