Our goal is to keep citizens informed of the actions of our county government
Harris County is accepting qualifications from professional and qualified companies to provide planning, engineering, architectural, and construction administration services to the Harris County, Georgia, general aviation airport (PIM) and to…
Harris County is accepting bids for the resurfacing of three (3) roads, a total distance of 6.2 miles to include leveling, resurfacing, tack and striping. Bid documents must be obtained…
The Board of County Commissioners, during their January 7, 2020 commission meeting, renamed the Railroad Recreation Trail to the Man O’ War Railroad Recreational Trail. The renaming of the trail…
During the first commission meeting of 2020, Becky Langston was selected to continue her role as Board Chairman and Andrew Zuerner was selected to continue his role as Board Vice-Chairman…
Severe thunderstorms may develop in the Harris County area on Saturday afternoon, Jan. 11. Click on the link below to access the National Weather Service briefing held on Jan. 10…
Harris County is accepting bids for the patching eight (8) county roads, to include saw cut, dig out, provide and compact asphalt, etc., for approximately 826 SY. Bid documents, including…
In accordance with O.C.G.A. 48-8-122, below is the annually required SPLOST financial report for FY 2019. 2004 SPLOST Financial Report 2014 SPLOST Financial Report 2019 SPLOST Financial Report
During the December 17, 2019 commission meeting, the Board approved hiring Wood to update the county’s 20+ year old land use and development codes into an easy to read unified…
The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) has announced that a portion of Fortson Road from SR 315 to the Muscogee County line will be closed to through traffic beginning early…
Piedmont Columbus Regional Hospital has recognized Harris County EMS staff members Scott Boatner, Chad Dallas, and Richard Sebree as First Friday Heroes for December 2019. Boatner, Dallas, and Sebree responded…